Transport Integration Ltd. specializes in: - audit of operations and financial activities of companies in the road transport sector; - competitiveness assessment of transport and logistics companies; - development of regulatory and feasibility documentation and software products for enterprises of the transport industry; - development of planning documents on operations and financial activities of transport companies; - analysis of economic performance of companies in the road transport sector. Specialists of Transport Integration Ltd. provides comprehensive solutions to increase the effectiveness of management of the transport industry: - at the information collection stage – building a complete electronic database that allows data updates, map references and entering the results of the diagnostic of work completed and transport services provided; - at the stage of preparation of planning documents on operations and financial activities of transport companies – forecasting demand for transport services; selecting priority projects for financing by comparing the expected economic performance of the projects proposed; determining the amount of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance work on transport facilities, with justification provided as to timeline and the amount and sources of financing; - at the stage of provision of works and services – optimization of allocation of material, technical and financial resources; assessment of technologies in use; forming a specific action plan with justification for the order of activities; - at the stage of assessment of operations and financial activities of companies in the road transport sector – audit of operations and financial activities of transport companies; and assessment of their economic performance
Specialists of Transport Integration Ltd. has completed:
for the Federal Road Agency: - Analysis of financial and business activities of federal road organizations, including development of databases and software; - Development of a system of target indicators for activities of road administrations; - Development of methodological recommendations for analysis and regulation of road companies’ financial and business activities, and for preparation of their business plans;
for State Transport Leasing Company: - Expert evaluation of business activities of STLC in relation to the issue of bonds; - Preparation of the investment project and the required package of documents for state budget investment by STLC, to be included in the Federal Targeted Investment Program; - Expert evaluation of the effectiveness of STLC’s participation in state programs of the Russian Federation during the period 2014-2019, and a forecast for 2019-2025; - Financial performance forecast for STLC for the period 2020-2025, with the issue of Euro bonds and the implementation of the Bond Issue Program taken into account;
for the Transport Committee of Saint Petersburg: - Development of the reform plan for urban passenger transport companies of Saint Petersburg; - Assessment of operations and financial activities of bus companies, and preparation of recommendations on increasing their economic performance; - Proposals on optimization of the assignment of the public transport route network to bus companies, and the renewal of the bus fleet, with the travel demand taken into account.
The advantages of Transport Integration Ltd. are as follows:
- top level expertise of employees who provide high quality professional services in accordance with clients’ requirements; - comprehensive expertise allowing combined teams of specialists to produce solutions for most complex tasks involved in the development of transport and the road sector, ensure appropriate level of detail, systemic analysis, creative novelty, objective assessment, and effective and visionary solutions; - selection of advanced solutions and the use of cutting-edge computer technologies that enable powerful databases and more effective decision-making.
List of services +
analysis of the financial and economic situation of transport and road companies (dynamics of assets and liabilities, operating income and expenses, other income and expenses, net profit, etc.);
audit of operations and financial activities of companies in the road transport sector;
competitiveness assessment of transport and logistics companies;
analysis of companies’ financial soundness indicators, including calculation of liquidity, solvency, financial soundness and turnover rates, etc;
assessment of companies’ management of investment: targeted subsidies (state budget investment), debt investment resources (bonds in the domestic and international markets), credit resources, etc;
forecasting changes in companies’ financial situation;
calculation of the maximum amount of bonds for the purposes of ensuring companies’ financial soundness;
analysis of emergence and possible magnitude of risks associated with assets and liabilities management, liquidity, interest and currency risks, etc;
preparation of regulatory and feasibility documentation and software products for enterprises of the transport sector;
development of business plans and other documents on operations and financial activities of transport companies;
analysis of economic performance of companies in the road transport sector.